Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Random trivia

Triskaidekaphobia means fear of the number 13. Paraskevidekatriaphobia means fear of Friday the 13th (which occurs one to three times a year). 

If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. If you keep your eyes open by force, they can pop out. (DON'T TRY IT)

Every three seconds a baby is born somewhere in the world. 

On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents every day. 

Most lipstick contains fish scales 

The most common name in the world is Mohammed. 

When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months. 

The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million. 

The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly. 

There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long (eye hip arm leg ear toe jaw rib lip gum). 

A skunk's smell can be detected by a human a mile away. 

The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet (9 m). 

When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food. 

The average person makes about 1,140 telephone calls each year. 

Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards. 

If you had enough water to fill one million goldfish bowls, you could fill an entire stadium. 

Charlie Brown's father was a barber. 

Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet (2 m) away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. 

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV. 

A lion's roar can be heard from five miles away. 

The average person spends about 2 years on the phone in a lifetime.

The largest number of children born to one woman is recorded at 69. From 1725-1765, a Russian peasant woman gave birth to 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets. 

The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear. Any cup-shaped object placed over the ear produces the same effect 

The United States has never lost a war in which mules were used. 

Children grow faster in the springtime. 

On average, there are 178 sesame seeds on each McDonalds BigMac bun. 

7.5 million toothpicks can be created from a cord of wood. 

The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets. 

About 200,000,000 M&Ms are sold each day in the United States. 

There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos. 

The numbers "172" can be found on the back of the US 5 dollar bill, in the bushes at the base of the Linc 

Women blink nearly twice as much as men. 

Every year approximately 2,500 left-handed people are killed by using object or machinery designed for right-handed people. 

Turtles can breathe through their butts 

It’s estimated that at any one time around 0.7% of the world’s population is drunk. 

More people are kill by falling coconuts every year then sharks attack 

Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots 

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable. 

Forty percent of Americans iron their clothes while wearing their underwear or being completely naked. 

If you eat enough carrots, your skin will eventually turn orange. 

Porcupines float in water. 

Bookkeeper is the only word in the english language that has 3 letters that consecutively repeat. 

Ants do not sleep. 

Between 1902 and 1907, the same tiger killed 434 people in India. 

315 entries in Webster’s 1996 dictionary were misspelled. 

The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid. 

I am. is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. 

Annually Americans eat 45 million turkeys at Thanksgiving. 

Los Angeles’ full name is “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.” 

The Ramses brand condom is named after the great pharoh Ramses II who fathered over 160 children. 

There are 66 million different possible pizza combinations on the Domino's pizza menu. 

Americans, on average, spend 18% of his or her income on transportation as compared to only 13% spent on food. 

A giraffe can lick it's own ears. 

Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine. 

The most overdue book in the world was borrowed from Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge, England and was returned 288 years later. 

A giraffe's heart weighs an incredible 24 pounds. 

Walt Disney was afraid of mice. 

The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want. 

The original Coca Cola was green in color. 

It would take 1.2 million mosquitoes biting you simultaneously to drain all your blood. 

No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. 

Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. 

Canadians drink more coffee than anyone else in the world. 

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